- 2on2 tag
- No switching characters
- Super (aka Old) characters OK
- No Akuma
- No duplicate characters on a team
(Old and New count as different characters)
- Fixed turbo 3
(i.e. American speed 2 = the second highest setting)
- Otherwise factory settings
- Rock paper scissors to choose sides
- Blind pick team order
The main in event in August will feature 32 teams. Qualifiers (to be announced soon, I think) run April through June.
Arcadia's SSF2T Character Rankings (February 2008):
EDIT: By the way, the article that I took this list from was written by none other than Gian.
SSS Rank
S Rank
Dhalsim, Claw, Chun-Li, Boxer, O.Sagat
A Rank
Ryu, Guile, O.Ken, DeeJay, Dictator, O.Hawk
B Rank
Ken, E.Honda, Fei-Long, Sagat
C Rank
Zangief, Cammy, Blanka, T.Hawk
ReplyDeletei want what they are smoking
ReplyDeleteD Rank
ReplyDeleteO. Blanka
what was arcadias tier list prior to this?
ReplyDeleteim looking forward to SF2 this year now that its ST instead of AE/HSF like last year. :)
Chun seems high, Blanka seems low. Can anyone explain the rankings to a newb like me?
ReplyDeleteI didn't look at the author when I first posted this.
ReplyDeleteHopefully they'll have Gian do further ST articles -- best case scenario would be if he conducted arcadia's interviews leading up to SBO.
Hmm, the only ones that bother me in that list are Blanka (too low) and O. Hawk (too high). O. Hawk certainly isn't terrible, but he ain't up there that close to like, Dee Jay haha
ReplyDeleteare the characters in order within the ranks themselves? Like in S tier is sim 1st, claw 2nd, chun, 3rd, boxer 4th, o. sagat 5th?
ReplyDelete651 - I don't think so.
ReplyDeletere: what I wrote above about Gian. Dude already was correspondent last year for HSF2. I had never even looked at the writer attribution.
Has anybody gotten to the bottom of why O. Ken is rated higher than N. Ken? Giving up funky kick combos, knee bash mixups and hit-confirmable super seem like an awful lot just to get a better fb game (which is still inferior to Ryu and Sagat) and slightly better dp.
ReplyDeleteBlankam for one, is even with N.Ken and has a moderate disadvantage against O.Ken. Nasty jab fireball, bigger jump roundhouse kicks, invincible dp make more of a difference in that match than the stuff you list.
ReplyDeleteRumored SBO '08 teams. Well the guy who posted this on 2ch may have just been bullshitting tho' these do make sense.
ReplyDeleteDaigo & Aniken
Otochun & ShootingD
Muteki & Tsuji
Nuki & Inoue
Kurahashi & Nakamura
Taira & Shiro
Gian & ARG
Kusumondo & Danjiri
Ikebukuro Debu & More Bal (since More closed dude supposedly set up shop at ikebukuro las vegas)