Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tougeki 2010 ST Team List and Results

A-cho videos from July should be coming soon. UPDATE: added some details.

In yellow: top four. Red: second place. Blue: winner.

5/03ドラゴン勢Hakase (DH), Noguchi (CL), Tamashima (BX)videos
5/09生涯現役Gian (DH), Kurahashi (RY), YuuVega (DI)
5/16超無敵不死身Nuki (CH), Muteki (GU), Shiki (BX)
5/23プランクトンKKY (DH), Kita (CH), Kikai (GU)report, video
5/30長瀬UFOAniken (KE), Otochun (CH), ShootingD (RY)
6/06イタリアAbebin (EH), Sasori (RY), Oonishi (DI)video a, video b
6/13ベストパートナーズFutachan (RY), Ito (DJ), MAO (CL)result, videos
6/20真ソルジャーチームTsuji (BX), Inro (OCH), Danjiri (DH)bracket, videos
6/27ヨコ・ヅナー_クロニクルズKusumondo (EH), Yabu (CA), Gunze (ZA)videos
7/04コーハツ四天王Suzuki (GU), Seki (DJ), Kachu (CL)
7/11月の石Toutanki (TH), K (OTH), Yoshimura (DH)bracket, videos
7/18けものみちMuneo (OS), Numa (BX), AFO (BL)result
7/24Team USAGanelon (CL), John Rambo (DH), Damdai (RY)videos, interview
7/25X三世代ARG (CL), The SuperStar (BX), Yuzuru (DJ)result
8/01ゴメンネ!大高さんGotoh (RY), Wassekun (DH), Tani (GU)vid a, vid b, result
9/18白虎隊yaya (SG), Komoda (BL), Taira (DI)

Oonishi's team beat Gian's team and ARG's team. Sasori beat Yuu. Gian beat Sasori. Abebin beat Gian and Kurahashi. [!]

Tsuji swept Tama's team.

Biran swept the double Hawk team but team USA got taken out by Futachan.

Gian's team beat yaya's team.

Aniken beat Numa. AFO beat Aniken. Otochun beat AFO then Muneo beat Otochun and D.

Here's Master Foosuke talking about the top four:

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Ito swept Nuki's team. Prescient comment from Gian below.

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Danjiri over Sasori. Abebin over Danjiri and Inro. Tsuji over Abebin. Oonishi over Tsuji.

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Final match.

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Chubu takes it!

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  1. How did team USA do?

  2. Muteki is NOT smiling in that picture.

  3. ok i am very desperate

    is there any recorded stream for sbo 2010 st tourney?

    i remember the chinese video site usually have those uploaded.

    thanks a bunch

  4. Nohoho did you received my mail?

  5. As always thanks for the update!!

    NH2 = R*O*C*K ~ S*T*A*R!!! :P


  6. 1140 - The only matches they streamed were semis and finals I'm sure they'll wind up on YouTube.

    Third Strike (also only 3 matches) was really stupendous check those out too. Nuki said he brought Shiki and Muteki's spirit with him but Kuroda and MOV are so damn strong.

    Vernon - Sorry yeah the next Danisen is on the 3rd I'll put a link.

    Hi Fatboy! SNF2X = fueled by Hennessey and Victoria's Secret models.

  7. Silks: LOL!

    Wow a Honda beating out Dhalsim AND Guile?! And not just any Dhalsim or Guile players, but arguably the BEST! Amazing. I think I'll buy the DVD just to see those matches.

  8. Oops! Kurahashi used Ryu. Either way, two hard-as-hell matchups back-to-back.

